GSC Final Report
If you'd care to read the General Service Conference's final report for 2024 with the information recorded you can click on this link: |
General Service Office (GSO) |
Area 72 |
Latest GSO and Area Quarterly Reports
First Quarter 2024 Area Business Report
2023 Final Conference Report AAWS Quarterly ReportClick HERE to read this report.
2023 Edition GSR Handbook
AA Membership SurveyYou can read the results of the @)@# AA Membership survey. More than 6,000 A.A. members took part in a randomized membership survey that was conducted in 2022. The previous survey was conducted in 2014. You can click HERE to read the survey or you can go to for a printable pamphlet of the survey.
Area 72 covers the entirety of Western Washington, from Blaine to Washougal. This LINK will take you to the main page.
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Area 72 General Meeting Listings
Area 72's meeting page can show you information about all the meetings being held west of the Cascades. Click HERE
Contribute to Area 72!
Make checks to:
Western Washington Area of A.A.
Mail to:
1901 Cornwall Ave #745
Bellingham, WA 98225.
To contribute online:
Please be sure to include the group’s name, district, and number on the check.
If you do not know the group’s number, you can look it up HERE.
Western Washington Area of A.A.
Mail to:
1901 Cornwall Ave #745
Bellingham, WA 98225.
To contribute online:
Please be sure to include the group’s name, district, and number on the check.
If you do not know the group’s number, you can look it up HERE.
Area 72 Archives Survey
Archives? In the Present?
We are living in a time when fundamental changes have occurred within and outside of Area 72. Rather than wait 10 or 20 years to ask the question, “How has the pandemic changed our Area?”, it might be valuable to gather some of that history now, as it unfolds.
We already know that shutdown responses may not have been optimal by everyone all the time. We are members from all walks of life dealing with an unfolding crisis. It must be stated up front that this survey is not going to be used to blame or shame anyone or raise them to hero status either. We just want to gather facts and catch the “spirit of the moment” be it full of fear, or hell-bent to
save the world, or more likely a trudge down the middle of the road more-or-less together. Cl;ick HERE to go to the Survey
We are living in a time when fundamental changes have occurred within and outside of Area 72. Rather than wait 10 or 20 years to ask the question, “How has the pandemic changed our Area?”, it might be valuable to gather some of that history now, as it unfolds.
We already know that shutdown responses may not have been optimal by everyone all the time. We are members from all walks of life dealing with an unfolding crisis. It must be stated up front that this survey is not going to be used to blame or shame anyone or raise them to hero status either. We just want to gather facts and catch the “spirit of the moment” be it full of fear, or hell-bent to
save the world, or more likely a trudge down the middle of the road more-or-less together. Cl;ick HERE to go to the Survey